Game of Thrones
Campaign Creative | 2018
In the collective mindset, you would be hard-pushed to name a show talked about more ceaselessly than Game of Thrones.
In the year-long hiatus leading up to the show’s long anticipated finale, HBO needed a campaign to drive sales throughout the festive period and sustain the excitement. Two approaches were taken to tackle this need.
To promote the Season 7 boxset, the creative takes its lead from the fire & ice teaser artwork with supporting copy to drive home the sheer monolithic scale that the show has taken on.
The house sigils splintered through the ice build the tension as the cracks finally reach breaking point.
"Give a Groundbreaking Gift"
The show's emblematic sigils again come into play to push the Complete Seasons 1-7 boxset. The house pieces of the feudal families from Daenerys’ war table pale in stature when pitched against the inference of the real threat fast approaching from a colder place North of The Wall.
These two creatives were adopted and distributed internationally as a toolkit to be used across print, online & OOH.